

Notify on slack, if anything went wrong on AWS

In DevOps practice, monitoring is a key part. By continuous monitoring systems and their behavior, we can make regular improvements on the infrastructure site. DevOps is all about adopting new tools and integrate them with your current process. In the IT industry,  most of the organizations are using Slack as an internal communication tool, in…

ReviewBoard & RBTools installation guide

  Operating System:            Centos 6.5 Install dependency packages of ReviewBoard & RBTools Install Python packages using pip Start Apache, MySQL and MemCached services MySQL config, Create database and user for ReviewBoard Install and configure ReviewBoard site as mentioned, site will ask few details, please see following details for reference. Change the permission and copy apache…

SVN ReviewBoard Integration – Pre-Commit workflow

  SVN Operating System: Centos 6.5 Prerequisites: Already installed SVN & ReviewBoard 1. Browse ReviewBoard web dashboard in any browser(http://X.X.X.X/reviewboard/)and login using admin credential. 2. Now go to admin panel and open ‘Repositories’ tab from left panel 3. Click add repository button on right side. Enter your SVN repo name followed by svn repo path…

Triggering Jenkins builds by URL

Step 1: Setting up a new user Login to Jenkins Dashbaord Click on Manage Jenkins -> Manage Users -> Create User Fill in the information for your user Step 2: Enable permission for “builduser” In order to allow “builduser” to trigger the build, the user needs to have the following permissions set: Overall – Read…


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